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Property Disclaimer: The commercial properties and sublease listings identified on AtlantaSublease.com (a Peachtree Commercial Real Estate website) webpages are categorized by property type and submarket. In most cases we are not the listing broker, but can assist you with your inquiry, or help your company secure any of the sublease listings or a direct lease at any of the properties. The information contained herein was obtained from sources believed reliable; however, we make no guarantees, warranties, or representations to the completeness or accuracies thereof. The presentation of these properties are subject to errors, omissions, change of price, or conditions prior to lease or sublease, or withdrawal without notice.

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Schedule a time to see this sublease space at...

Coda office building in the Midtown Atlanta submarket of Atlanta, GA. Find out more about this attractive office space sublease opportunity.

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We can also help you explore direct-lease space options at...

Coda office building in the Midtown Atlanta submarket of Atlanta, GA. Find out more about this attractive office space sublease opportunity.

Just share some details on your company’s space requirements below and we’ll provide you with details on the best space options currently available for your consideration.